May 2), 1958 Dr. Selman «a, Hakeman Institute of Microblology Rutgere ~ The State University New Brunawick, New Jersey Dear Dy. Wakeman! I was very gratified to have your invitation to serve on the Advisory Soard. I was very much tempted to accept this honor, but « aoment!s reflection made it too obvious how much ay sclentific activity f@ alresdy impaived by the travel commitments I already havs. This 1a a selfish attitude, and sy writing 1s tinzed with a certain self-reproach, especially as I am deeply interested in the con- tinued auccesa of your Inatiliute. It is only reasonable that you should continue to draw upon the large pool of talent which resides near you on the Fast Coast. I hope it would not be presusptuous of me to suggest that Profesaor B. 0. Davis at Harward dedical school would be a fitting successor to Dr. Dubos! position. This cannot have failed te oceur to you, but I mentien his name knowing thet Bernie shures my felicitous interest. Another candidate you sight wish to consider is Hilary Koprowski, but perhaps it is not my place to deflect your invita- tion with alternative suggestions. With kind personal regards, Yours simerely, Joshua Lederberg Chairman, Department of Kedical Genetica