UAW T (was Selentele February 14, 1955 Dear Lil: Thank you for your note of last December, and welcome back to the U.S. I8d have answered sconer, but realized you'd be in transition. *e hope you're happily settled now: we're sure you will find working with Dave « stimlating and rewarding éxperience. I was interested in your comment on hetero- karyosis, which was, as you remarked, parallel t. our experience. A couple of other people, I have found, have run ints the game. Only lateky, now that he obtained sume double auxctrephs, has Bradley gotten sume ccnfusing hints of anything mre interesting. Hegasks me to thank you for your offer of strains, At the moment we are tied down wit our present mterial, but +e hope to keep it in mind for future eventualities. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg