February 12, 1958 Dr. J. Walter Ailson Departaent of Biology Brown Univeral ty Providence 12, Rhode Taland Dear Walter: As a matter of fact I think I can suggest somone who would be a first glass cendidate as a biological bacterlologist. He happens to be wy brother, Dr, Seymour Lederberg, and ia the ordinary course of affairs I wuld simply refer you to Luria and Stanier for detailed information oa aceount of our fraternal relationship. There is a question of tise however as he is considering some alternative possibilities right now so I will enlarge a bit. Ne doss plan to take a trip east at the end of thie sonth to look over another poasibllity, so if you did want to have a ohanoe to confer with hia, you might find it advantaguous tc contact him direstly. at the present time he is a “visiting assistant prefessor of bacterLology"® at the University of Gulifornla at Berkeley. Thin is a strictly temporary sosiition which wes creatad tc relieve A@tanier of his teaghing duties for o period of time while he wag on a ressarch fellon ehip in situ. Seymour took his rh.D. in bacteriology with Luria and hes always hod « strong bicchemical orientation, He then spent owe years on a post-doctoral fellowship aith Dan Wazia in the Zoology Department at ~ Berkeley. He has been working on the interchange between RNA and DNA in Tetrahynmens. I won't go so far sa to offer what. wuld inevitably be a@ biapal assessment of his qualifications. I know that he enjoys teaching as well as research and he has often expressed an intereat in pursuing his eareer in the context of general biology rather than bacteriology. Youre sincerely, ron mesyim Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics JL/ew P. 5S. I am sure you wuld have the discretion not to bring ay name into any conversations you my have with Seymour.