OCT 18 1962 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AUSTIN 12 , CLAYTON FOUNDATION BIOCHEMICAL INSTITUTE October 15, 1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: The Clayton Foundation has made it possible for me to give to each member of the Biochemistry Section of the National Academy a copy of my little book NUTRITION IN A NUTSHELL. AD I think it will be agreed that this is not exactly a pedestrian Ln effort. Aside from promoting an awareness with respect to the im- = = ‘ > m portance and far-reaching potentialities of nutrition (when viewed biochemically) it is hoped that the book may contribute a small bit N to the improvement of the status of biochemistry in the eyes of the public. Parts of Chapter VII are particularly pointed in this di- rection. Scientifically I think biochemists are well thought of, os but in the public eye they are often either nonexistent or else are given a seat far back behind that of physicians who can write and sell widely such books as FOLK MEDICINE and CALORIES DON'T COUNT and can get a hearing because they are "doctors." f Sw yl I think biochemists need to do some promoting so that they can get a hearing when, as in the field of nutrition, they are the qualified experts. Hope you find the book worthwhile. Professor of Chemistry Director, Clayton Foundation Biochemical Institute RJW:at