cr -/ Please reply to Genetica Bldg. Dr. Fred L. Whipple Harvard College Observatory Cambridge, Masg. Dear Dr, Whipples T have lately become interested in the much mooted queation of prebiotic synthesis of organic (carbonaceous) molecules, At least since Oparin's first boek there has, of course, been much attention given to the activation af the simple hydrides by ulgraviolet light and related processes in the | atmosphere of the already farmed earth, Without Wishing to diminish the importance of these processes, I have however been wondering if such synthesia might be occurring on a much grander scale as part of the evolupion ef the interstellar grains, Your own work on the composition of comets has particularly fascinated me, es it furnishes some hope of eventual verification of this model, insofar as the satellite program may lead to the retrieval of interplanetary dust for chemical analysis — except for the lightest components, the surface of the moon will be of course an abundant source. P%dd'H My main question 1s your present thought of the molecular chemistry of the interstellar grains (and of the cometary substance which, I gather, you i would consider to be of comparable composition). In your "Comet model, IT.", Ty 1951, you wrote that "Lacking at present sufficient information to estimate ° the frequency distribution of the various molecules of H, C, N, and 0 the . writer has arbitrarily assumed that the major mass is in the forn of CH, » NHg gy and H,0." Does this then leave open the plausible possibility of the existénce of much larger molecules as an appreciable part of the total conpo~ sition? The reduced abundance of H in the canet perhaps makes this more plausible for the canet than for the intersteller grain, My comprehension of the astrophysical literature is bound te be shamefully naive and uncritical, but I cannot readily decide whether the chentlatry of larger molecules has simply been overlooked (perhaps intentionally on account of its complexity or inaccessibility) or whether there are good reasons to limit discussion to the simple hydrides. I an speaking, of course, of situations where the particle temperature and the radiation flux are relatively small. When interstellar grains are referred to as aggregates of H C N and 0 I can't help wondering if they might not be immense macromolecules, If you can still furnish reprints of your Comet-Model and related papers, I would be most grateful for them, as I will have to spend more time on them than I can conveniently do in the library. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Chairman, Dept. of Medical GWnetics