Reprint from Generics, Vol. 46, No. 11, November, 1961. Printed in U.S.A. A STABILIZER OF ANTIGENIC PHASES IN SALMONELLA ABORTUS-EQUE? TETSUO IINO National Institute of Genetics, Misima, Japan Received May 30, 1961 JN diphasic strains of Salmonella, the flagellar antigen type oscillates between phase-1 and phase-2. The phenomenon has been known as phase variation. Its genetic mechanism was studied in detail by Leperserc and Inno (1956). The frequency of phase variation is generally as high as 10> to 107 per cell per divi- sion (SrocKER 1949) ; but a much lower frequency of the alternation has been ob- served in certain Salmonella serotypes, e.g. in S. abortus-egui and S. paraty phi A (Bruner and Epwarps 1941; Epwarps and Bruner 1939). In the present paper, a genetic factor is reported which controls the low frequency of phase variation in S. abortus-equi. MATERIALS AND METHODS As a stable phase strain, S. abortus-equi CDC-26 was used. The strain is stable in phase-2, enx type, which is determined by H,°"*. The presence of the sup- pressed phase-1 antigen type determinant H,,“ in a phase-2 clone was demon- strated by transduction of H,," as well as H,°"*, to various recipients (LEDERBERG and Epwarps 1953) and by rare spontaneous change to the stable phase-1 type (LEDERBERG, personal communication). The cells of CDC-26 move rather slowly in both phases being even slower in phase-1 than in phase-2. Strain TM2 of S. typhimurium was used for comparison as a diphasic type. TM2 expresses i type in phase-1 and 1.2 type in phase-2 (designated by i: 7.2). The change from phase-2 to phase-1 in TM2 occurs at the rate of 3 x 10~ per cell per division in. a broth culture, and at about one fourth of that from phase-1 to phase-2. The phase-1 antigen type of a stable phase-2 strain was determined by linked transduction of Fla,+ and H, from that strain to S. paratyphi B SW666. SW666 is a strain without flagella originated from phase-1 (b type) monophasic S. para- typhi B, by mutation of Fla,*+ to Fla; , which is linked to H,. The hidden phase-1 antigen type of the stable phase-2 strain is detected in some recombinants of the transduction. The general procedures of cultivation, transduction and selection of serotypic recombinants were according to the methods of LeperBerc and I1no (1956). + Contribution from the National Institute of Genetics, Japan. No. 388. This work was sup- ported by a research grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (E-2872), Public Health Service, U.S.A. Genetics 46: 1465-1469 November 1961. 1466 TETSUO IINO Phage PLT22 was used as the vector in transduction (ZINpDER and LEDERBERG 1952). The selection of alternative phases was carried out by the semisolid nutrient gelatin agar (NGA) tube method described by Epwarps and Ewine (1955), Antigen types were determined by slide agglutination. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Phase stability of S. abortus-equi: A stock culture of CDC-26 was streaked on a nutrient agar plate. After 24 hour incubation at 37°, each of 20 isolated colonies was transferred to broth and cultivated overnight on a rotator; the culture reached about a concentration of 2 X 10° cells per ml. Two tenths ml of each broth culture was then dropped in a NGA tube supplemented with anti-enx serum. The amount of anti-enx serum was so adjusted as to prevent the moving of enx-type cells but not that of the cells of other antigen types (Epwarps and Ewine 1955). A series of phase-2 cultures of TM2 was prepared in the same way and 0.2 ml samples were likewise dropped into an NGA tube supplemented with anti-7.2 serum. In parallel, another 0.2 ml was dropped from each of both CDC-26 and TM2 cultures into a plain NGA tube. They were incubated at 37° C and observed day by day. In all of the tubes, CDC-26/plain, TM2/plain and TM2/anti-1.2 serum, grown cells moved into NGA and formed swarms within two days after they were inoculated. The antigen types of the cells of those swarms were enx in CDC-26/plain, 7.2 in TM2/plain and i in TM2/anti-7.2 serum tubes. In CDC-26/anti-enz tubes, however, no swarms were detected even after five days prolonged cultivation. The experiments were repeated five times, and the same results were obtained each time: no swarms were produced in any CDC-26/anti-enx tubes but they were produced from all others. To test the possibility that nonmotile type cells are produced in phase-1, broth cultures of CDC-26 were spread on NGA plates and the segregation of two colonial types, compact and swarm, was examined by the same method as the test of Ah, (Inno 1961). Regular segregation as in Ah,~ strains was not observed in CDC-26, Thus, the phases of S. abortus-equi CDC-26 are exceedingly stable in contrast to those of a diphasic strain S. typhimurium TM2. The stable type phase and the unstable type are easily identified by NGA tube cultures. Spontaneous changes of phase have occurred from enz to a in S. abortus-equi, but only very rarely (Epwarps and Bruner 1939). One a clone was obtained by anti-enx NGA selection from the enz types of S. abortus-equi, with the strain SL23 in the course of an experiment conducted for other purpose. The a type was as stable as the original enz type, and only one enx type swarm was detected from 160 anti-a NGA tube cultures. Transductional analysis of the phase-stability determinant: Flagellar antigen types of Salmonella are determined by the H, and H, genes. One or the other of these genes is expressed in a given clone which is described as being in phase-1 and phase-2 respectively. A factor inseparable from H, is the phase determinant, alternating between two states: H, active vs. H,-inactive-H, active. In order STABILIZER OF ANTIGENIC PHASES 1467 to test whether the difference in the stability of H, is caused by its own intrinsic structure or by other genetic factor(s), transductions were carried out from an enx type culture of CDC-26 to an i type culture of TM2. Serotypic recombinants were isolated from NGA plates supplemented with anti-i and anti-7.2 sera. Among the recombinants isolated, four were diphasic a:1.2 type, 42 diphasic i-enx and 19 monophasic enz (Table 1). That 7 is the hidden phase-1 of the last TABLE 1 Transductions between S. typhimurium TM2 and S. abortus-equi CDC-26. Hidden antigenic phases of diphasic strains or monophasic strains were parenthesized or bracketed respectively Recombinant Transduced Donor Recipient Selection on Type No. loci CDC-26 TM2 anti-i, 1.2 a: 1.2 4 At [a]: enx i: (1.2) NGA i: enx 42 ent {i}: enx 19 Aen? Vh- Total 65 TM2 CDC-26 anti-enx [a]: 1.2 38 A! (i): 1.2 [a]: enx NGA a:12 15 H,!* Vk, Total 53 type was demonstrated on three PLT22 sensitive clones by transduction of the H,* to 8. paraty phi B. SW666. Those results show that a and enz are each trans- duced from the phase-2 culture of CDC-26. When a is transduced the resulting transduction remains diphasic, whereas when enx is transduced some transduc- tional clones become monophasic. By anti-enz serum selection, i phase cultures were rarely obtained from the enz-monophasic transductional clones. The i phase cultures obtained were also monophasic. The stabilization of the inherent H, activity in S. abortus-equi CDC-26 is therefore caused by a factor which is linked to As. The a:7.2- and i:enx-diphasic and enz-monophasic transductional types ob- tained are almost as motile as the recipient strain TM2, which moves into NGA media three to four times faster than CDC-26. The slow motility of CDC-26, therefore, depends principally on factors independent of H,, H, and the phase stabilizer. The reciprocal transductions, from an i type culture of TM2 to an enx type culture of CDC-26, support the above conclusion (Table 1). Among 53 transduc- tional clones screened on anti-enz NGA plates, 38 were stable a and 15 were diphasic a: 7.2. The hidden antigens of the a clones are presumed to be 7.2. The frequencies of linked transduction of the H, stability controller with H, agree well between the reciprocal transductions (about 30 percent). The H,- stability controller will be given a symbol Vh,. Its allele in TM2 is Vk,+ and VA,- in CDC-26. DISCUSSION The present study demonstrated that the genetic factor Vh,, which is closely linked to H, but separable from it, regulates the frequency of antigenic phase 1468 TETSUO IINO variation in Salmonella. In other words, VA, controls the change of the inherent state of H, activity. A gene which regulates mutability of other genes has been reported in some bacterial strains (TREFFERS, SPINELLI and Br.ser 1954; SKAAR 1956; Miyake 1960). They have been called mutator genes. In contrast to those mutator genes, the function of VA, as far as we know is the specific con- trol of H, activity. However, no comprehensive test has been made of mutation rates in Vh,+ and Vh,~ strains. Analogues to the H,-Vh, systems are perhaps found in the variegation of higher organisms (Lewis 1950), for instance the Ac-Ds and Mp elements in corn (McCiintocx 1956; Brink and Nitan 1952) and the suppression of phenotypic effect by transposition of euchromatic genes to heterochromatic regions in Drosophila (DEmMrErEc 1940; Baxer 1953). A similar type of monophasic behavior as that of S. abortus-equi has been re- ported in S. paratyphi A (Bruner and Epwarps 1941; Epwarps, Barnes and Bascock 1950). 8. paratyphi A isolated from nature is usually in a phase (phase- 1). The a phase is very stable and an alternative phase, phase-2 (7.5 phase), can be obtained only through selection by anti-a serum. The phase-2 culture, either isolated from nature or obtained from a phase-1 culture, is also stable and rarely reverts to phase-1. The monophasic property of S. paratyphi A may be caused by stabilization of H, as in S. abortus-equi. A strain that carries Vh,~ is highly stable in either phase, and a phase stable strain of a desired antigen type may be obtained by transduction. Consequently, Vk, strains are excellent materials for the production of specific flagellar anti- gens (Epwarps and Ewine 1955). SUMMARY The frequency of antigenic phase variation in Salmonella is regulated by the genetic factor Vk, which is closely linked to H,; that is, VA. controls the stability of /7, state. In a strain of Salmonella abortus-equi, CDC-26, an allele VA,~ stabi- lizes H, in its existing state, whether inactive or active, and produces phase-1 or phase-2 monophasic types respectively. ACKNOWLEDGMENT These experiments had been started during the author’s stay at the Depart- ment of Genetics, University of Wisconsin from 1955 through 1958, where they were supported by research grants from the National Cancer Institute, United States Public Health Service, (C-2157) and the National Science Foundation. The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Dr. J. Leperserc for patient guidance during the course of this investigation, STABILIZER OF ANTIGENIC PHASES 1469 LITERATURE CITED Baxer, W. K., 1953 V-type position effects of a gene in Drosophila virilis normally located in heterochromatin. Genetics 38: 328-344. Brink, R. A., and R. A. Nitan, 1952 The relation between light variegated pericarp in maize. Genetics 37: 519-544. Bruner, D. W., and P. R. 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