November 12, 1958 Dr, Josh: Lederbere Dent. Medies! Genetics University of “isconsin, “iseonsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: My wife was incansciteted by Polfo inst one yesr ago, ft the time she wos stricken everythine seemed most dismal for when the crises passed and she was removed from the Tron Inne jt was readily discovered that she had lost the use of both legs and one arm. She wes sent to the Haverstraw Rehabtilitetion Center «nd the ceneral tovic of conversation is recovery. As time wears on, one discovers that recovery isn't quite that simple if “t all. Esmire magezine ran an illumin-tine article on both you and Dr. Watson of Harverd which indicated to me that nerhaps you had some knowledge regarding the lstest advancements in this field. Long leg braces, varallel bars, 2nd buttock exercises seem to be the only avprosch to this devastating vroblem todav. “What is really needed is nerve trensrlants, or a medicine or some wiring arreneement that will brine the broken circiit back into working order, Surely someone in the field of medics] research mist be laboring with this t-sk, We feel that verhons we ore stonding on the threshold of some new di scoverv ond thet you might have some knowledce as to where to. go or whom to contact, IT rersonsally was an excellent student in the study of physiolocy ond stand orite ready to volunteer my services to -dv-nce the end remit. Our prime desire is to get my wife wolking en? if there is anvone we can go to or anything we can try we would cert-inlv be most pleased to hear about it from yon, Ne certainly need some help and the orthoredic men here can only suggest exercise, this to my knowledge, cannot resenerate a destroyed nerve cell or reconnect a nerve,