THE UPJOHN GOMPANY FINE PHARMACEUTIGALS SINCE 1886 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN January 16, 1961 CLINICAL RESEARCH GLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY SECTION OFFICE OF JOSEPH P. WEBB, M.D. Joshua Lederberg, Ph. D. Professor of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Our representative, Mr. Wendell Basham, has written to us concerning your interest in the possible use of Gelfoam to use as a filter for the collection of microorganisms. As you know, some work has been done along this line and Gelfoam is being used to trap air-borne organisms. The Gelfoam can be transferred to a fluid medium from which plates can be poured. The Gelfoam is slowly soluble in water and can either be discarded or incorporated into the poured plate if it has not completely disintegrated. Mr. Basham is in error in stating that our commercial Gelfoam has been treated with formalin. This was formerly the case but for the past several years all Gelfoam has consisted only of pure gelatin. As first made, Gelfoam is fairly readily soluble in water but the solubility is affected by the prolonged heat necessary to sterilize the material. If the Gelfoam could be sterilized by cathode ray or ethylene oxide it would be much more readily soluble than is the present product. Dr. George Honeywell of our organization is planning some experiments along this line but he does not feel, at present, that the Gelfoam needs to be soluble to be used in bacteriological work. Perhaps our understanding of your problem is not complete. In any case, I would be glad to hear from you further and Dr. Honeywell and I would be happy te help in any way we can. Sincerely yours, THE UPJOHN COMPANY slg Joseph P. Webb, M. D. JPW: sds