April 26, 1960 Pr. Alan Waterman, Director National Sclence Foundation Washington 25, 0. C. Dear Or. Waterman: This fs to follow up my telegram of today's date. Your Inquiry as to my availability for nomination to the Matlonal Sclence Board left me deeply honored, but posed @ problem for thoughtful conscience. | have had to conclude that it would be unwise to accept this responsibility eat the present time. The orgenization of a new department at Stanford Medical School and other public end professional responsibilities are already very demanding prececupations which have left little enough time to do my own work In the laboratory and try to keep up with the scientific literature in my own field. The additione! burden of conscientious attention to NS$6 effairs, in these circumstances, could preclude my continued participation in laboratory research. This kind of deciston is not made lightly; but | know that you will have access to many other equally sultable or better qualified nominees. . The objectives of the Foundation must concern eny citizen and sclentist and | hope to be able to serve them In a way thet includes the coherence of my activity In research. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor and Executive Department of Genetics Le MEWFLEIM