(Ruasian Guleh, Calif, ) September 11, 1961 Dear Der, Warren-- Your draft note does summarize many of the issues that Montgomery, Tukey and I have discussed, though perhaps necessarily it does not allude in detail to some of the fundamental problems of orientation and ergani- zation of the Center, in particular ite responsibllities in graduate education. Also I am enough of a pessimist to doubt that a group of really topnotch people can be brought together at a center that is so poor in academic activities and traditions, and especially without the enthusiastic ministrationsa of an unusually dedicated and highly reputed director of unique scientific stature. Montgomery may well play a udeful, even indispensable role in the development of the center, but I could not urge that he neete these unusually demanding qualificationa. I have recommended that W. D. McElroy of Johna Hopkins University be considered for this role, and if he could be interested either in thds, or in being a senior counsellor for the Center,my own contributions, I feel, would be abundantly outweighed by what he could do for you. Some of my colleagues have expressed great concern that the Center is intended to be a Nranehxa consultative service for TI and other indus- tries in the Dallas area -- needless to say, this is a dangerous imputation, and one that none of us would wish to be associated with. We have made some proposals regarding the protection of academic prévilegea of the Center's faculty whose adoption might help to dispel this libels I trust c thet it was not these you had in mind in suggesting that "preoccupation with organizational detail should be avoided." In any case, I cannot but D feel that anyone interested in comwinghbto the Institute to furnish scienti- fic leadership will be highly interested in the organizational detail. I a would agree however that this could be worked out on the occasion better Ti than fully in advance. For my own part I must indicate that I would not 2 wish to be known as a sponsor of the Center without an understanding of - such details. / i Yours sincerely, . f Joshua Lederberg