RUTGERS UNIVERSITY The State University of New Jersey INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY May 20, 1954 NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY CHARTER 7-1766 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Department of Genetics Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Thanks for your letter and information. What I would like to get from you is the streptomycin-resistant mutant of W-1 and 58-278, which were isolated by replica plate technique, but never exposed to streptomycin, High degree of resistance is very convenient for me. I would like to compare some of their biochemical properties before and after exposure to streptomycin. I want to see if replica plating isolates completely phenotypically expressed mutants or if the contact with streptomycin induces some change in 100% in cells. I shall make my own isolations too, but I am not quite settled yet, being only 3 days in New Brunswick. Your cultures may save me some time. This problem is interesting for me because I was able to cause a complete, high degree streptomycin "adaptation" in 100% of non- growing cells. It looks like a cytoplasmically inherited resistance. I am looking forwarding to seeing you in New Brunswick, at which time I shall explain this in more detail. Yours sincerely, wow Waclaw Szybalski WS:DP