con? December 1, 1950. Dr. C. P. Swanson, Dept. Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 18, Maryland. Dear Carl: Thank you for the invitation to write for QRB. Unfortunately, just a few days ago, I contracted to write a aimilar article for Physiological Reviews on Unicellular Genetics. Very likely, QRB would have been a more appropriate place for the article tha& Physiological Reviews, but it would be awkward to change plans now. For the present, therefore, I must decline this invitation. In a couple of years, however, the critical urge may wax again, and I would like to reserve the privbklege of reopening this question, | if I may. As to book-reviews, I shall be glad to cover McEwen's Bacteriological Technique, but do not feel that Viruses 1950 is appropriate for more than a very short notice or description. I'll be glad to submit such if you'd like, but someone like A, Novick (Radiobiology-Chicago) or Gas Doermann (Oak Ridge) might wish to do a more extended job. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg. 4°35