August 7, 1961 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Mecical School Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: I would like to have your permission and that of the publisher to reproduce a figure from one of your papers with appropriate acknowledgment in an article I am writing entitled, "Biosyn- thesis of Bacterial Cell Walls". I am referring to Figure 2, J. Bact. 75, 145 (1958), Since I would like to have your approval as soon as possib..., I am enclosing a carbon copy of this letter. If you ere williss to let me use this figure, would you please sign this copy and return it to me? I am also sending 2 ¢ py of this letter to the Psblisher for their approval. Thank you very much. With best wishes, Sincerely yours, Jack L. Strominger JLS : rob one. ec: Williams & Wilkins Co, ’ T= f 7 ane tpy Cx / C