November 7, 1956 Dr. George ~treisinger Dept. Genetics Carnegie Institution Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. Dear George: The @rakovs arrived about two weeks ago, and as scon as we started to unpack coli cultures, I brought up your request for T2-sensitives. Frits Orskov recalled that Ole Maalge had already done some sort of survey, and asked him about it by letter. Ole answered that he had some time ago gone over all the coli serotypes, and found that only 0-107 was sensitive to T2 "to a degree comparable to strain B". We are sending this one to you under separate cover. Ole's remark would seem to imply that there are many other cultures that are partly sensitive, and perhaps might already serve cs indicators. I suggest you communicate directly with him. If it would save him any trouble, we will gladly transship any of the type cultures (which the Orskovs brought along) that Ole mentions as promising, or he can have Kauffmann send it directly, as you prefer. I would add only my earlier eomment that the T-series are likely rough- specific phages, and that rough mitants would have to be isolated in each case for testing. This is likely to come out incidentally to our own iamno- genetic atudies, ani if anything promising cages send it along. I wuld ask you to remember that we are following this upy"&n& Yo let us know when or if your interest in this angle becomes saturated or diverted, . REULHE RAMI } ; Rs ; } i : Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg P.S. I hope this is still intelligible, even if the "morning after".