August 25, 1959 Dear Josh, During my recent trip East, I spoke with Seymour on the phone, but unfortun- ately we were unable tc get together. He seems very happy both academically and domestically. Walter Wilson told me that he was very pleased with Seymour's progress and in discussions with other members of the Biology Repartment I got the impression that Seymour had been welcomed into the fold. Upon my return to Madison I began appraising the situation for my proposed trip to Italy and I must say that I am in a dilemma, Luca still does not know what his situation will be next January and perhaps will not know until October or November. I am writing to-you to ask for whatever suggestions you have. I wish you were here so that I might speak to you, because I value your advice highly. In one of my recent letters to Luca, I mentioned that perhaps I should plan to work with Ceppellini, since my training and interests are more allied to his than anyone else's. Luca thought that was a good idea and spoke to him about it, asking him to write to me. That was over & month ago and I have not yet heard from Ceppellini. He has a history of procrastination, but even if I could arrange to work with him, I wonder about the advisability of it becasue of his apparent unpredictable nature, I gather that Ceppeliini will have a new lab in Turino. I don't suppose it would be too bad a place to live. Cr There are many people with whom I might work during this fellowship, but ~\ I feel that I should work with someone and on some problem in the general 5 area of [mmunogenetics. In particular, I think I should do something “ which will help me in my future research. I would like to begin an area © a of research which I could carry on with after my return to Madison. n If it were not for this, I would consider doing something in the u transplantation or tissue culture fislid, but neither of these areas looks hopefull for continuation here at the moment at leaste I have been toying with the idea of writing to Oudin in Paris and ask if he would have room for meo His recent work on serum proteins would be one area I could do a lot in after my return here. I hope that this letter finds you and Esther well and happy in your new environmente Elaine joins me in sending our best regards to you both, Cordially, Ros (Ss . The wk, far the ropronk (Sees) | .