THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS March 9, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California Dear Josh: Thank you for your letter of February 9 with the kind comments about the memo of Jamary 21 to Nathan Smith regarding exchange transfusion, etc. As yet I have notheard from Smith and frankly I'm too busy right now to contact him. I'm afraid that it will take an initiative from him to get this study underway, especially since all we can do here are the laboratory tests. Any field work mst be done by Smith et al. I am in complete agreement with your comments about the "fuzziness" of proposals #4 and 5. They were included as "shotgun" approaches without much consideration of their practicality. Becca Patras isn't making much progress on the single cell problem. I ex- pect to go over her: results within the next few days and decide on the course to pursue. I'll keep you informed. To keep her happy she has started to extract substances from RBC's of cattle to get some idea of the qualitative nature of the antigenic components of the cells. This was the problem that I wanted to attack when I first came to Wisconsin. After about a year of "nothing" I decided that a Ph.D. thesis was the first order of business and that I'd never get one working on the cells. I'm happy to have her doing this and she seems to have some real promising approaches to the problem. “ff TINOLS Elaine and I still reminisce about the wonderful time we had with you and Esther on our recent visit to Palo Alto. I can assure you that we will not miss the next chance to visit you again. Madison is shovelling out of the worst snow storm in over 25 years. It's horrible. You left just in time! I hope that you received the "History of Genetics"--six copies were sent to you several weeks ago. Write occasionally, we miss you and Esther. As ever, Coif W. H. Stone