XX XXXXXXX Department of Genetics February 9, 1959 Dr. BIIT Stone Department of Genetics University of Wéiseshsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Bill: This ts just a quick reply to your memorandum of Jan- uary 21 to Nathan Smith. This seems to me as good a resumé of the possibilities as could be set out. {tems | and 2 are the ebvédus necesséties. | suppose the choice between them depends on how easily one can set up tests for residual chimerism for some of the other blood groups. Skin transplantation might help to short-cut the other tests since ! think it Is a good prediction that any chimera will be tolerant of donor skin. C, item 5 is essentially the same as 2, substituting blood for ‘| skin as the graft. in this case, it might be worth considering > a test for tolerance of the grafted blood based not only on the conventionalaagglutination reactions but also on the time of survival of the RBC based on, for example, labeling with ~ radioactive Cr. = Item 4 Is the only one that seems to me somewhat fuzzy, since | don*t understand (1) any basis from which to expect generalized tolerance and (2) you would be setting yourself a difficult task in making a significant comparison. Item 5 Is likely to be Impracticalsince the transfusions would almost always Involve not merely ABO compatability but most likely also Identity. In these cases, It Is dublous whether there would be any effect and again you run Into problems of accuracy of estimation.in the populations you will have at your disposal. Anyhow, one certainly hopes that you can get somewhere In @ project of this kind although of course this will depend on large measure on the kind of co-operation you actually get in the medical school. 1! may possible take the opportunity of discussing some similar projects when the new professor of pediatrics {s in- stalled here. He happens to be someone | knew many years ago; his name Is Normen Kretchmer. We were happy to see youlhere, brief as your visit was, and hope this will be repeated In future. Yours as ever, Joshua Lederberg