October 26, 1956 Dear Dav: Iam vary grateful to Jean and yourself for accomodating a weary traveller. In addition, the evening was wery pleasant. I had to run to get aboard my flight— I hope it wasn't too mech trouble to you to find me gone from the MWA counter. Here is a bibliography on B111(Stone; you can get his vita from A/M/S. He told me he put a number of abstracts down as indices of his interest more than aarksa of performahee. It is a little hard for mm to pasa an opinion on him, for the same reason that he might do well to leave Madison for a while, muasly that it is diffi- cult for him to develop a reputation independent of Professor Irwin's; insvi- tably that will cramp his style, though I'm sure Irwin will be desolated Af Rill does leave. How he could develop a research progran in mammalian genetics with non-agricultural animals you would hayge to work out with him. He is a very undevious fellow; you should gst an accurate impression of his ability in a few hours’ acqmaintance. I know that Jim Neel was very mich interested in Bill. but didn't dare offer what he had available (Gershowltz' present job); you ean do what you want with that nuggst of information, though I do hope you all can get over being the "minnows". : I hops you will be discreet snough to leave my neme out of any discussion; I don't think Irwin would ever forgive ae if he thought I were encouragin: Bill to leave. I did think I owed 1% to BLL] to mention your opening, ax: he himself esemed interested enough in the prospect to fernish the enclosure at my suggestion. Yous shicorely, Joshw Lederberg Ene: W.H.Stone Bibliography "TV PE AWIOLD