$ br hrc. SEP 6 1963 The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine Chairman of the Governing Body : CHELSEA BRIDGE ROAD PROFESSOR SiR CHARLES DODDS, M.V.O., M.D., P.R.C.P., F.R.S. ; Hon. Treasurer : LONDON, S.W.1. Sir HuGH BEAVER, K.B.E. Director : . Telegrams : ‘' Bacteriology, Sowest, London” PROFESSOR A. A. MILES, C.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. Telephone : SLOane 2181 end September, 1963 Dear Josh, Thank you for your letter of July 15. I assumed thet (as I had expected) there was nothing suitable/for Subbaiah; he is now more or less fixed up with Zamenhof, not precisely what he wanted but it should give him a footing in the transformation at ie wag @e w MY. business/ |. Many thanks for your trouble in the matter, I enclose a second letter (to facilitate handing on for action) re reprints ete. of my fla transformation YAAOOLS paper which is at long last in proof - somewhat re- arranged but not much changed in content from the typescript you had long ago. I feel rather happier about the work now than I did at the time. Nester & Stocker on latency etc. also in proof - we had quite a struggle arriving at a more or less agreed version, partly because Gene would work in lots of stuff done later - and also after accepting my stylistic suggestions would re-write! However you and I have both experienced the difficulty go tut J Jorbrfcel we Aenteioiy 0 \tomn fot @— Wrhe out wertin & wilhreomy, -2- of trans-atlantic co-authorship! We are all well, just back from 2 weeks holiday, more or less vegetating in a cottage near Rye, in Sussex, English summer nearly at its worst - about as it was when we drove to Scotland - I am sure you will never forget the rain at Windsor. However we were comfortable, Kate and Clare thought everything was marvellous, we spent much of our time on short expeditions of a touristic sort to castles etc. - one great advantage of such places is that villages are pretty close together and nearly all of them have something worth visiting, in the way of 14th century churches etc, Rest has done us good, I am fearfully behind with writing - and have 3 people writing Ph.D. theses. No sensational news alas - we find now that i wma? has a specificity absent in i NML , earlier negative results due to mis-labelled strain. Some indication of a fim locus co-transducible with H1 etc. which may clarify some mapping anomalies. I hope Tino will be visiting after the Hague congress (which I have skipped). The flagellin chemistry (Malcolm McDonough) reycalcitrant. Tryptic peptide map of i NML* now found to differ considerably from that of i NML” (unexpected, as NML* and NML7 1,2 maps more or less alike); and the peptide which is shifted in 3 woe/ eee ~3- serological mutants of i detectable only in the NMLT mep. Our A-A analyser (EEL model) giving plenty of trouble, I have Bob Roantree with me for Sabbatical year - busy putting nutritional markders into his t-m strain - we hope to be able to map (pen-r, serum-sensitive) loci ete. Phil Hartman expected soon, for a few months, also Helen Makela, We enjoyed seeing the Canns on the’way back from Milan (we fixed up for them to live in Rob and Ruth Race's house, they being on holiday) - and Zindérs on the way to Holland, When shall we see you again? Grriye mal | boawe fut hi avy~nvite ® Cnfwite J Yours sincerely, + aytees, Jlgelin © Jimtrien) h SRD Appr. at May be, brecting ww WAveunig Dt, Joe epottid o (lors) rey ecleting ari turret PB re, > Gan HL Deg Mey prene fay Bee stécket Pe Pra 2 Syeter ? Pour Bghen -ofrd jp Oban vt Weve Ml G00 ne Fig oe Lane tue 4 Gd he Caley. ii Brea Professor Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Medical Center, 300 Pasteur Drive, PALO ALTO, CALIF U.S.A. be foe 9 Opin