December 2!, 1959 Dr. Bruce A. D. Stocker Lister InstIitute Chelsea Bridge Road London SW I, England Dear Bruce: Pleased to receive your last letter. | will be going directly on to Nice and will be there through the week of January II. Should the need arise, | can be contacted S/o The First Internatlonal Space Science Symposfum Centre Universitatre Méditerranéen Boulevard des Anglals Nice, France | am tentatively planning to return via Milan, to make a brief visit with Luca, and then to London. So | should arrfve some- time in the afternoon or evening, Sunday, January 17th. J! am booked to fly out for San Francisco on Monday at 10 a.m. 1 will write you, possibly from Nice, with more definite information. , Looking forward to seeing you, AS ever, Joshua Lederberg