April 30, 1959 Dr. B. A. D. Stocker Lister Institute Chelsea Bridge Road London W. W. 1, England Dear Bruce: Do you think you can put up with seeing us again? Esther and | are making another of our too hasty forays and are scheduled to be coming through London on Tuesday, May [2th arriving on Pan Americah Flight !22, scheduled for 3 p.m. We have to hurry on to Naples for a CIBA Conference there and are presently booked on the British European Alrways Flight 582 which leaves at 9:45 the next morning. This wil! get us to Naples a bit late for the start of the meeting and we may possibly revise our schedule to fly out Tuesday evening but | think this may be somewhat too Strenuous. After the Naples meeting, we will be going oné to Milan and to Stockholm In order to fulfil! the main purpose of the trip which Is to give the Nobel Lecture | had put off last December. Then we have another CIBA Conference at Royaumont and after that perhaps we can think of having a bit of a vacation. We would appreciate it If you could make some sort of arrangement for us for the Tuesday night In case we do stay over as planned. This time | think CIBA House might not be the best answer, first of all because of the short notice and secondly, since we are going to be a bit tardy at Naples. If it is at all possible, we do hope to have a chance to see you more leisurely on our return. Yours as ever, Joshua Lederberg