Genetics Building, | he Lister mstitute, os Chelsea, Bridge Road, ve Bas Oe eee London ,3.Wel. Professor J.Lederberg, M.0.S., | university of Wisconsin, Madison, 6, — OE ee Wise, UeSehe . 7 oe 3 ae ‘ Dear Josh, _ Bo Fam very happy to accept your invitation to contribute to the Symposium on Genetics in Medical Research? at Madison in April 1958. I apologise for my inordinate delay in letting you have a definite answer; it was gaused by some uncertainties: (of a personal kind) about my plans. . inferences when one has no personal experience with the techniques); in consequence TI do not feel myself properly Qualified to review this part of the subject, and would prefer not to deal with it if 4t - Can be covered by someone else, or to deal with it summarily, if it falls to me (unless you would prefer to get someone in a better ‘position than me to cover both the bacterial-and viral fields; if you did wish to I should of course quite understand your position). I shall, however, continue to brood upon wha t would be a suitable presentation, and tf you really want me to have a go, despite my «limitations, “1 might perhaps prepare a skeleton and send it to you ‘to see if 1t seemed the kind of @pproach which would be suitable. 4 ve ut” 4 isnt furs teins Ny Ue bow a ! ae a Mek — “pp + ; " - Ee / a nthe ¢ f 5: wink Ws with Cane ) : pore te heck yew Sr fe COBE ewes af Segue he. pe (8. : From. the personal point of view, I should of course greatl enjoy re-visiting the U.S. and Madison in particular ,with the aid of the generous travel allowance from the Symposium, _ Bo "Yours sinéerely, a pelle Merl te t f { t fe be E ‘F mgccy ob ge o ee SG