The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine. Chairman of the Governing Body : SIR HENRY H. DALE, O.M., G.B.E.. M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. CHELSEA BRIDGE ROAD, Hon. Treasurer: LONDON, S.W. 1. SIR JOHN ANDERSON, P.C., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.IE., F.R.S. Director : Telegrams: ‘‘ Bacteriology, Knights. London.” SIR ALAN DRURY, C.B.E., M.D, F.R.S, Telephone: SLOANE 2181. eend March 1956. Professor J.lederberg, Nepartment of: Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis,, U.S.A. Dear Josh, I have not heard anything from you for some time: but I suspect this may be my fault. Several bits of news. The first is that I have just had an invite from Demerec to Z.S.H. for Symposiu » and to work there for summer; I can't ldave here for more than a month or so, so don't know if they will want me on those terms, but I hope so. I feel quite startled at their generosity in inviting people, fares paid, who don't even have to give a paper. For various reasons I am anxicus to get the abortive transduction paper in before then: and I Have therefore taken up the tedious task of finishing off MS. I will enclose current draft with this (or send it separately, as 2nd.Class Air Mail, to save postage). I inten4 to try and prune a bit further, and also to be perhaps a bit less dogmatic, in particular to revise the section comparing your results and mine. Could you glance through it and see I have said nothing too terrible ? I am sorry I cannot include photos of pedigree figures, but you havé had sketches of these before so I hope will be able to follow O.Ke, and the same in the case of diagrams to illustrated hypotheses. When you have looked through, coula you let me know what you intend to do about publishing your own paper ? I think I will send mine to the J.gen.Microbiol; in your last letter I think you spoke of sending yours to something more genetical, which seems a good idea. If you can let me know I can make the necessary amendments as to "the accompanying paper" etc. (I have begun to put in refs. to it as "L.1956" which I suppose will be O.K. wherever you sen? it). You asked for mcre detailed comments on your draft. =D = I will reserve thse for end of this letter. Yhen you go through draft, could you please look out for any places I may have inadvertantly misquoted you ? (or not mentioned that I got some method from you) # In the discussion you will see TI have made use of your ideas to clarify my own; but on the assumption that your paper will soon be available I have not discussed some of the more general hypotheses which you consider. One or two bits of relevant research news. Chris Quad ling and I have done an experiment which we think rules out Bissetts theory on distribution of all parental flagella to one daughter cell in Salmonella etc. The experiment is a very simple one. He grew up L.T.2 in broth at 37 » mean no. of flagella per cell c 8, and made about the.same.fhen transfer to 45°: growth continues at same rate as before, but mean no. of flagella per cell falls to new steady value of about 0.1 (it varies a bit). During the change (which begins 1-2 generations after transfer) the mote moves down from 6 to 1 (or zero, if you include this Class), and there ts never the bi-modal Aistribution with peaks at 6 and O predicte- by Bisset's theory. We shall try it on B. at J.G.M. Symposium in April. (I think I must send him news of it, as he is apt to explode with slightest stimulus) .This makes me much happier about identification of mcp with flagellum (or basal granule). Chris also has fairly good evitence of correlation of distribution of numbers of Sseony Ain experiments ~~ in which synthesis of mep in a peculiar Stpara CG is halted by temperature shift (37°39 20°, surprisingly enough). I think when he has finished there will be little doubt about this identification. mani, vie et ote J ba. 7 paw Stine (OG?.. x Ae fr wrth pls Madamde Margerie (formerly Hottinguer) and I have been working away on the ‘segregation! of serological type in SW 666 treated with i lysates: the character scored is time to sessaticn of translational movement in H serum (x 100 titre); this is more or less log normally distributed, T am using the mode to surmarise. "Initials" are irmob. in 5-10" by either serum. Celis with one mep are immdbilised more slowly, even if both donor and recipient are b (? diminished chance of entanglement ) Cells which have had one mcp transmitted through many generations even, wo first: thought, not inmobilised@ at all byganti-serum; but it now looks as though they are, but with a modal time of over ome generatiom time: of course this might be result of distal and of flagellum (only) having i reactivity, from earlier generaticns. In the course of these experiments we have done tanse Pouce pedigrees: one E cell at 12th- genepation, and the general picture, conv ineg, me that situation is 4s in SW 541 with the following -3= differences: (1) Fewer E cel!s (usually). (2) Most E cells cease to be so within a few generations, (3) much smaller probability of "accidental immobilisation" (4) (probably) fewer mcep produced per generation. The only thing which you report and T have not seen is slowing-down'of cell with one mep a bit before, it is "lost". Tn the same experiments we have come on a peculiar situaticn which you may have seen too. Viz., the M clones behave very erraticaly as to proportion of M celis in sub-clones. Experiments so far in one clone are compatible with loss ang regain, by "mutation", of ability to make mcep at rates of c 107* per cell per generation, but in another clone under examination at the moment results so far are a mess. All of 3 or 4 clones met with since we began to lock for it have behaved in the same general way. (For all I know it may be “wiversal in ordinary motile strains, and so account for, for instance, the usual non-motile minority, and non-Poissoniaby large class of cells with zero-flagella). It may be releyant to 'flares' and certainly explains some earlier od4 results in clones. I have been asked to do a monograph in same series as Bealets, on transducticn and transformaticn. I would not mind having a go at it if I could arrange the time. Do you know if anyone in U.S. is on similar project ? I would like your opinion on whether I should take this on. I hear frmvarious rumours that you are going to Melbourne: I hope this works out, if it is what you want to ao (but I hope you manage to take in Lonton en route). Your Papere Content. The experimental side seems fine, so far as I can judge without the tables and pedigrees. I feel in a way its a pity you never (so far as I know) tried SW 541 pedigrees, since I fee? sure that, with present knowledge, you wou’d at once have got pedigrees which you would consider capable of disproving my hypothesis if its wrong; I think we are agreed that results in your paper neither establish nor disprove it. Apart from this negative one, I have ne general criticism. Theoretical. I admire your logical presentation of all possible alternatives (it has helped me a lot). The hypothesis that mcp = Cchromonemetal fragments seems less plausible when as now appears, mop are generated in situations where transduction is not concerned O of SW 553 ) Your "Suggestion 5". Should you not specify that gene products do or not 'dilute-out!, and if so, if final level of one per cell permits synthesis? -4 = zermi nol ogy « I still prefer 'unilinear transmission! to catenate, etc. an? shall I think stick to it. I see no particular reason why we should use a single set of words if our preferences differ. (I have use@ toriginal' cell for what you call an ‘4nitial'., T may change this). Otherwise no comment. Presentation. I-suspect that a reader unfamiliar with the materfal might have Considerable trouble in fodlowing your papers: but the inclusion of tables, pedigrees and figures will help, and the tidying-up which no doubt has been Aone since the draft I saw. Anyway its hard for me to judge, the test wehla be to try it on someone whe has never heard of it before. This seems to cover all I have to say at the moment. fiope to hear from you soon. Yours . 9 [Ptie a oe . B.Stocker. bavnet- a er dre at” iy Were oe baba jeewgs five at for tol Erte pling, if ypn top Fle nic VK “Youn blrernag CAME Ane ugly 1 Gre a Lotorsy om Ne Che El we Puy , < I tribe fey. Ae und & Ze ee people, E reggne npn tne Ce B 20 see, we perrin. ee «6 E ley; < Aut, — wea Gf Ctrth tnt (oll wht He A GL Cat AZee tr-% Le cae Se (may theft Fl Negiy are Sammy see gy ae wt Cut 5) Cherinn tT part Ow “Nag le va hh Tily sorte, t a + . . “ . ; . oe . \ - , . . S oS Le “ ° ( Beas 94160 (= Fa) €b6) cred Fase ) J goa AK Co, Uy hence Souk 9: wll be ao CSM ow