March 5, 1955 (Friday) Dear Bruce: Tam sorry that I do not have more to report to you in this letter. Robert Wright, one of my students here in the lab. and a wonderful perscn in every way had a terrible auto aecident Monday, with severe cranic-cersbral injury. He has been unconscious since then, and all of us have been rather more concernedywith that than anything else around the lab. It would be difficult to convey our feelings about it. However, I did want to communicate something to you about the clone plating experiments. I have been using SW-534 —x 553, as being the most prolific, with the fewdest interfering waarms. Individual motile initials (about 3 hours) have been picked to 1/2 a1 broth, allowed to grow to clones of sbout ICO, an’ these then plated im as pour plates in motility agar. This gdéves beaktiful pictures of trails, dot influenced. by mtebolite gradients, ete.. I have also plated larger numbers of initials collected together, and without post-incubation, and these give about 1/7 trails per viable colony with quite lerger s auples. So far about a ddzen clones with traila have néen found, in each case singly. I was exercised for a time abovt fairly nuserous "minor trails" which appeared especially after 48 hours incubation, but these have proved to be of spontaneous origin. I.E. SW-553 (or rather the reisolate SW967) gives these by itself. And surely enough, these cultures do engender a very small number of motile individuals. I have followed a few clones from these. Motility is quite weak and irregular. Most of the clones in which motility persisted at all were tinicatenate, but one or two at least were distinctly di-catenate, though persistent chains were not developed. Ordinary platings of SW-967 have not shown the spontaneous minor ‘traiis, possibly owing to inhibitions by the excess non-mctile individuals of , sgurfece platings. transduction If thexu clones continue to give the same picture of isolated occurren ce of trails, I igaxk shall have to abandon my opposition to the two levels of mxuna esatenation, but I shall have to switch over to —541 or —=x 666 to finish up. There are some photographs of these pour platings in the making and I will send some copies when I have them printed up. [ALAIN \ | : | | Ci Ary ~ voter patd Wy the P4yne Ve ( Wwe cf , dt S4b SW be b oe Sc ¥>f 1 | alk Ned: cau ahhorral brat§ Bias Atay torrketin, wrth Thy po h ht tadsai, —K 767 ?