October 12, 1953 Dear Bruce: Yours of the 9th just received. This is better than domestic mail service es What is a "letter card"?-- is it this sort of "AIR LRATTER'? I hope you will not be carrted away in speculation on Larry's High Efficien- cy of Transduction, The facts are not all settled, but of course they would point to a reduplication of the whole Lp-Gal segment as part of the phage. I think this may be a different mechanism from transduction 1n Salmonella. Lambda grown by the direct kysis of sensitive; bacteria appears to have little fie any at all!) transducing activity,|whereas lytic and lwoffate phage from Salmonella are essentially equivalent. To put it a little dif- ferently, the inclusion of chromosome fragme in Salmonella phages is accidental; in the K-12/lambda system it is hdt. But Please do not quote any of this until we are sume of ou AN ~. @ amount of\by 21/-/— (#58.80) plus §, I have aiso noted "Ship per instruc-— pre will be no confusion. I have entered a requisition cartage for our share of the *¢ tions from Dr. Stocker" so The story on filtrab be ag good a system as any; that would swell snormously I would not co y6thes was very fuzzy. PLT22/ LT2 would “1 recall that the faltrates had granules a few hours contact with anti-O serum. presence of viable "cells". Sincerely, J Joshua Lederberg