JSKB/MB. Dr. BeA-D. Stocker, 4th November 1952. London Schoql of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel street, Gower Street, W.C. Le Dear Stocker, The symbiotic bacteriophages which I have found in the strains of Salmonells typhi-mmrium you gent to me are as follows :- Strain LT2 (Lilleengen NOs 85 } Bs Strain LT7 (Lilleengen No.578) Be and B4 Strain LTZ2 (Lilleengen No.409) 42 and B4 It is possible that LT2 also contains Be but I have not yst been successful in separating it from the B4. The B2 in this strain appears og occasional plaques in high concentrations, whilst the B4 miltiplies freely and predominates. I have come to the conclusion that B4 is a group and not an entity. This particular B4 differs in some minor details from the type strain. tT have isolated all these phages in pure culture and can let you have some if you want it. , Yours sincerely, i ly any