October 20, 1952 Dear Bruce: Your letter of the 14th just received and duly deciphered. You must not have received my previous letter when you wrote thie-- I am not sur- prised: through seme lapsus menti, I addressed &t to the Londen PG Med Schdol! Af you haven't got 1t by now, you should probably sem send over I last wrote, I wae dust about to set up the progeny tests ‘for Ahé "linked traneductions® to sW-543. For a while, I thought that “only 4 phases were appearing, but this misapprehension was due to a dis- erepancy between the effectiveness of a eerun in immobilizing in agar, and in agglutination, I still don’t knew the reason for this, but applaut the prospect of a esmplete serplogical analysis of the transinduced phases. I have also the observation, frem SW-545 x FA (abony) of & phases which gave swarms in b agar. These reacted still, albeit weakly, only with b. These “attenuated b's" are still perfectly motile. I'll send you some of these, with notes. Transductions cf other phases to SW-543, accompanied by b's in each case, have been verified. Theyt include @/ gm (enteritidis), gp (dublin) and r (heidelberg). I expect to do the progeny tests on the latter to help sew up this part of the story. Bt b's are definitely coming out of SW-543 + Fa( SW-623). I have seme rune new on the second generation i's frem thie same combination, and think we can stop here. I see aux no way out of linked transduction, perhaps of components of a gene characterized by pseudo-alleles. It looks much the same ae “autogenic" transformation in pneumocecous. There is no sign of linkage with another marker put into SW-543 (SW-666 = 545 Gal-, used in most of these). Norten is willing to admit that the spontaneous 1 was a fluke; the experiment involved heated PA ae a control, and it presumbbpy was not completely inactivated. Souvlé like you have some very nice new material, but let's call a halt and write up the summer's work before you've chased down too many other quarries. The Lag¢ sharacter sounde promising, if you can get FA out of it. Bpicey has beeh here about a week, and trying to make sense out of his S. thompson's and their phages. So far, they haven't been built up to £ uf ficient titre for any interestimg purposes. My immediate ambitions Instead ail Me wot dilmidsathcoRGPk OP going : Bole nea : seer et Popeyiearson 19). ttt ‘a phage carr e a far by the use of heat a have missed any B phages 90 sat y he teary ee Lysates. If 3. bovis morbificans is really so generany : fr conclusls the A phages, we may have to revise our © see tt ae receptor. Tt has not yet bern tested for absorption of Fa. “& £ rnglish skewers— not for asks please not to bother about Engl thie winter ? anyhow. I append a pedigree diagram on what has beea done so far on SW-543 genetics