Meyil 6, 1952 Dre Be Ae De Stocker New York, N.Y. Dear Bruce: I must apologize for our having taken so long to apprize you of our plans. We have been able to settle them to someextent only since a few dayo ago, ourselves. Aa things stand now, we are staying in Madison the sumer (regretfully, except fo’ the opportunity of your visit), but will vrebably take a vacation for a month starting early August. Meanwhile, the lab. 4s eranmed full, but there will be some relief as the students finish up their work. Commencement ia about the 15th of June, but things may be fairly quiet even a week ar two before. This seens to fit in fairly well with your plans to retwrn to the Midwest the end of May. If it suite you, why don't you stop here then, take time to arrange a room and see just what your detailed plans will be. If apace is still critical upon your first arrival, you could as well use Madison as a base for some Midwestern travel. I am sure you would want to epend some tine at Chicago and Urbana, and might also like to go up to Réchester (Mayo) and Minneapolis. a We've had a little flurry of epidemiology. One of the girle in the Home Ec. department cane down with a Salmonella enteritis (of surprishgly chronic history), and we were able to characterize it as due to the sane phage type as a culture of typhimurium we had given them earlier for studics on persistence after cooking fowl! The lab. sanitation seems to have been dubious. I'm wondering whether to prees for a stool exanination on all of the contacts. What would you do? I would not be concerned except for the history on the first case-- she'd been complaining of relapses for six monthe before a stool was done. Thia would be a little unusual if it were really caused by typhimurium, wouldn't 417 Do you know CC Spicer? He's written asking about spending a few months here on a WHO fellowship. Oan you say anything about h4in’ Tre most exciting recent developments are with K-12. Cavalli, Esther & I have picked up an intricate system of sex compatibilities, much of it quanki- tative, and for that reason minased all thia time. More or less as a further development, we have some combinationa with very high rates of mating: enough to justify straightforward microscopy. In Salmonella, we're trgmg to follow up studies on the determination of the flagella, and are collecting O-variants of niscellanaous types. Can you help us on this? FA loo’s more and more as if ite carried in phage. We agree with you about lysogenicity. Infection in E. cold seems more complex than Boyd's story (4¢ that ‘6 correct in detail). How about Boulgakey-—- any further word?