February 17, 1958 Dr. M.S, Swaminathan Botany sivision Indien agricultural acesarch Institute New velhi le, iucia Dear saamina tna: fam really very sorry thet our hasty trip through India was so rusned in planning und execution that we did not manage to visit you in New Delhi. If another opportunity presents itself, we will act more wisely next tine. I was on the poiat of ariting you about it just before ws left australia, but it ia perhaps just as well since it proved to be inpossibis to include Delhi in our itinerary during our hasty trauzit. Thank you for bringing Mr. Gunesan to my attention. I would be happy to satervin an application from him, though I must say I am at the moment just « ilttle uncertain as to what our laboratory commitments «will be fur the next year. day I rely on your latter ae an unqualified endorsement of him? You mist realize that I will have very littie else to go on. a am, of course, still interested in pursuing a cytugenetic program with bacteria particularly on the detalia of sexual fertilisza- tion. a Is there anyones elise of our mutual acquaintance who knows hin? In any case {£ sil] look forward to hearing from him, Do you know if he would have any interest in postponing the start of his work until say one yoar froma now? With all best regards, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics JL/ew alee tp Pe ws oe ‘St , PEPYS iad? eat’