UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION September 19, 1958 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS DAVIS, CALIFORNIA Dr. Joshua Lederterg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: We here have been following with great interest the news of the Institute for Medical Genetics which you are planning at Stanford. This interest is heightened by the fact that undergraduates on this campus are heginning to see the value of a major in Genetics with a view toward graduate work. Our department has decided that under ordinary circumstances it would be better for our B.S. graduates to do their graduate work at some other institution, and we would like to be as well informed as possible on the opportunities offered by other graduate institutions, particularly in California. Perhaps this is too early to ask, but since we have freshmen and sophomore students, we must look ahead. What we are most interested to know at present therefore is whether your institution, being part of the Medical School, will require a premedical training for all of its students at the graduate level, or whether a major like the one which we offer would enable a student to gain admission to it as a candidate for the Ph.D. in Genetics. If the latter is true, I should appreciate the privilege of sending to you sometime later the course requirements which our students must fulfill, and asking for suggestions of additional courses which you feel they should have. Although the number of such students will vrobably always be small, we would consider it such a privilege to send students to you that we wish to find out as much as possible about the requirements as soon as we can. Yours very sincerely, Lod jase G. Ledyard Stebbins Professor of Genetics 7A SID 2LS