Scptemver 29, 1953 Dr. Cc. Stapo Biol. Zentralenstait Messeneg 225 , 20b, Braunschvelg-Glieeasrods \ Germany Dear Pr. Stapp: I have only recently agquits me to comminiceto with you. he severing my work on sexue dress in Germany which now permite crate cover, i am sending a few reprints bacterda since 1946. In view of your 6 Sami others on awrplological crocesses in Fhytomones (A9robactente B98, I have down waiting for such an We are only now ibilities in © a oytological study of mating poss sin*, sults that are su far only faintly encouraging (die. pic Bi \Potthoff's "Verbindungsbrticke" whose significance we cannoy yét be sure of). If there is any possibiliiy of it, I would be most indebted to youp for reprints of your past and present publ ications in the pydal cztology (and/or variavility). If 5 oyide we with information on the present whereabouts (I almost\f£es pak the fate af some of these) of other German workers in this field, be greatly indebted: Piekarski, Stilie. Neumann, Bortela.... Yours sincsraly, Joshua Lederber, Associate Professor of Genetics P.S. Does there exist a directory or mailing list for microbiologists in Germany? If so, our University Library should certainly acquire a copy. JL