19- London, August 20 1956 Deer Jackie: Your note of the 7th was welcome in the pile of mail waiting for us here. Thanks so much for lookgng sfter things and for the report. Esthor says we should feel guilty about gambolling about when you're working so efficiently. “Ve appreciate all the news, lab and othervie. The trip is moving along perfectly on schedule, with no serious imppdiment. I suppose some people are worried azbout air safety this week but I must say its the autos that bother me. We had 2 rather nasty sideswip collision near Paris when the Ephrussi's picked us up from the sirport but fortunstely no one was even nearly hurt, though the car was bedly damaged. B happened so fast, we had no time to be alarmed until aftorwards. Otherwise everythingis going very smoothly, We even had a rare sunny dsy in Bergen yesterday, though it was a bit rough this morning on ths flight to London. “e'll bore you to death with about 100 kodachromes of Sognesfjord and Bergen when we get back. it's a bit difficult to comment intell igently about the lab notes withoug having the stockbook and other notes about. I'm interosted in Luca's #3 Ara that won't recombins with 2—3—4 3 these are 211 closely linked end his Ara may be an interesting ‘deletia' for the shole region. bid vou do :.11 thease with the known on 3A testers as controls? I essume so. on the othor hand is definitely nowher: near the other Ara's, so the 3 obory does make sense. “c'll have to figure out how to get the new Ara into an Hfr stock so it can be cross-teste: with a1] the cthars. The only item I don*t notice is looking for new Gal” in a Lec stock; I forgot which one I specified. Those were then to be selected for Lec reversion, to see if any Gal are so conditional on being Lac. 3 these “tight be presumptive permease mitants. Don't do any more wath 17¢ and 240, at least for now. This was a pilot experiment and probably easier to repeat than retrieve further. If you have some diploids that are Galv {your letter wasn't quite clear to me on this point) and are also Arav_ you might type the Ara~ that ds come out. Don't strain yourself on any of this, if in fact you plan to be in the lab at all after receiving this. But save the odd cases you mentioned; they may very well be multiple-mutant recombinants. Jackie=~ you already know I would be very pleased if you vould lixe to continue your position until February, April or June (Dr. ene) will be in the lab in our absence from April-June, ace'g present plan.) You dat heve to decide till we get back, and either + or full time = would be ok. On a full time basis, (entre nous) I think I can dig up another couple of hundred $ salary if that would help you to saxe up your mind. As you probably know, Connie has decided to movs to Raper's lab. Ilge Butelis can take over that job, and then some, so we won't be strapped at all, and the vacancy gives a bit mors room for altern:tive arrengements. “ith cur pending move, your experience becomes all the more procious. But of course, this is only our side of it, and I have to leave it to you to fill in the rest of the picture in deciding whet is best for yourself. As you may already have seen from the testimohial posteerd, wo had a splendid reunion et Stockholm with a prodigious number of exMadic onicns. X8RR (It was good fun. Sez you in about 3 woaks now, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg