UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY 362 NOYES LABORATORY OF CHEMISTRY URBANA November 9, 1956 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: As I promised, I checked up on the nature of the absolute negative in the Lac, cistron. It bears your number W- 3133, equal to Lac,g,. All the other Iac,'s we have so far tested are cryptics. I wonder whether you would drop me the number of the condenser you mentioned that could be used for both short and long working distances, and which also permits dark field illumination. I want to take this opportunity to tell you that I really had a wonderful few hours in your laboratory and I have since enjoyed them in retrospect. I have repeated the protoplast clonal growth with the coli. I intend to make a serious attempt next week to get the megaterium to do the same thing. a With kindest regards to Esther and yourself. Sincerely yours, Sek S; Spiegelman Professor of Bacteriology SS: jb