UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY 362 NOYES LABORATORY OF CHEMISTRY URBANA September 7, 1956 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Enclosed please find the two acknowledgement copies of the cultures which you sent. The cultures are all in fine Shape with no exceptions, We are now finishing up a survey of their inducibility comparing lactose with alkylgalactosides as inducers of intact cells ยป proto- plasts, and shockates. Iwill send you a summarized table in the near future. JI think you may find the results somewhat amusing. My best regards both to you and to Esther, and many thanks for the material. Sincerely yours, JA S. Spiegelman Professor of Bacteriology SS: jb Enclosures Ps Re prin have han distibtis