SP) C27 PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY SERVIC ( Directed by the Medical Research Council for the Ministry of Health) CENTRAL PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY * COLINDALE AVENUE ‘ LONDON °*-N.W.9 Cables; DEFENDER, NORPHONE, LONDON ee q a. Gal ‘XQ Dear Josh & Esther, . I have passed on your request for sera to Pat Bradstreet as I. i longer working in the Standards Lab.. If you wa nt any more in the future just w ' her and she will send it mki to you. They will probably be cutting down on the morc recondite antigens as they do not have the time to do all the necessary absorbtions now that there is so much virus work to be done. Apart from the fact that dead silence broods over the National Institutes signs are that I sh@uld manage to get over there next September for about six months as a visiting scientist. However I wrote to them some time ago about something else but have had no reply in spite of a reminde r so I fear they may have for-" gotten my existence. In the meantime I have been asked to go to Ceylon by WHO to advise on the tuberculosis control vcrogram there from a statistical point of view, and I hope to be over there for a month or two in the summer. I would like to go for longer but have too much to clear up here before I leave. My next job will be at the Royal College of Surgeons down in London which will involve an unpleasant journey every day but is otherwise quite a good place to work. What I am going to do is very mich up to me but almost any aspect of the epidemiology of cancer will be within my prevince. I am reading the gen- etical literature in search cf good problem in that line,besides heping to think of something useful in a more strictly clinical direction. I have to do all rovu- tine statistical work for members of the institute but I am busy thinking about getting this done on the English Electric computer round the corne r which will be very convenient once I have got xout the necessary programs. I shall be very sorry to be out of micré@biolocy as boththe work and the colleagues are very congenial, but there are we openings here and I cant trust myself to a fitnure 6f purerreseardh in Eili fAves®s unit es I dontseem to have any talent for that kind of thing. , Pruce and family seem to be all well. Ardy is still playin g ebout with fluorescent microscopy and now has an impressive collection o8 “nsce colour slide fiis working on this has the useful side ef*ect that the lab now has facilities for vs to develop our private colour films. Ekta chrome is very easy to develop SeyeR hoesea®*’ bath and all the necessary chemicals. I hope I shallmanage to se° you both next year. As usual please excuse typing. nus ; p * j