| dune 30, 1953 Dear Spicer: Sa. I don't. know whether oy note2of the 18th April was a proper reply to 7 yours of the 23d, or whether I had thaoked you for the i. sérums received some long time ago. If riot, let the present suffice. . Nothing yery spectaculas pag. happened rane the last few months. The _ weather | is getting bry” hot,” 9. f course, bu we'l] ‘haye’ to. gurvive it, . — We dtd Rot Bet, to the CSH ayaposiua,, but a are expected a visit ‘from: Hayes Later on. Tom Nélson’ and I have been studying élimination patterns more closely, in diploids from Het F+ x F-, and from diploid F+ x haploid” ¥-. Along the,1 es oof our, dt usgiong e, tb results seem. to require that “the Si iminat oA°he fhm 2 cap late SPEED eee cheer ‘Ghere° his’ béén’an oppor- tunity for crossing-over. E.G., from Mal+SS F+ x Mal-S'F-, the diploids (selected as phototrophic, Lac+/~ etc) are about 85% Mal-S", 12% Mal+s®, B% Mal+S*, but none of them diploid for Mal or S. The litter items are incon- sistent with the pre-elimination 6f Mal-S from some of the F+ gametas. Not a thing on somatic antigen transduction, except S@me fortuitous possibilities. In one case (not many trials) IM—x abortus equi gave a IV V XII a:enx. Edwards is trying to convince me that this has to be a coincidental transduction of V and "diphasicity"; selection was only in enx motilitp agar, but the evidence that this is a transduction of either character is not yet very txamm strong. The enx serum (from ab.-equi, isn't it, might have had some IV XII) or there may have bem more subtle selection for a spontaneous Form Variation. There have also been some losses and gains of I in flagellar transductions to paraA and durazzo, but these are of even less certain significance (though Kauffmann seems to be con- vinced by one of his own examples). Have you seen some papers by Iseki (Proc. Japan Academy 1953) on El-E2 transformations? Some Japanse had tried to repeat Edwards and Bruner's expts., using bolaed cells for absorbing the sera (as we discussed on the highway to New Orleans), and could get E2 to El, but not the converse. On the other hand, E2 is supposed to have a phage that conver$& El to F2 by infection (all the time, not as in transduction). Edwards is digging out his old intertransformed anatum—cambridge, etc., and will I hope check on this. You may have seen by now a ms. by Edwards and myself on the flagellar transductions——- he sentbone to Joan Taylor. Are you still interested in George Boole? The Hover edition of Laws of Thought 4s available (hardcover, at $4.50 less 10%)-—— would it help you if I sent it? How are you making out to get me a Weatherburn? Still begging, I wonder if you have gotten round to making those IV and V sera you ones mentioned,and if so could I prevail on your generosity for some (to use in cleaning up the ab-equi, which 1s rather messy now. Edwatds has gone over the Hunzendorf story, and thinks c' is the Cl somatic antigen (as everyone else suspected). I haven't checked on the thermostability which was my only evidence against. Anti-Cl is remarkably effective in inhibiting motility if this ds so, and it might make a good stuymtm system if we could do any transductions in it. So far, no. Can you enlighten me as yet on the dublin cultures, _ and especially. the mutants you dof behind Gedy Bar BsAT 258,14) s ‘or. - / shoul I chuck them, gue? 7 Pp 3 a “One last favor: do “you. think 3 you ‘gould, smuggle: outa photo. of ‘your jab. colleagues? He sepecially dike to: 8 68: ‘what. Felix, and date. Look Like. The tat interesting. experiments. ‘arouni here in. a. long. time : are dn near prospect. We've finally, been able te work up some) Gal-/Gal-, Lp*/Ip*, . Gal+/Gal-, etc., diploids, for, mls ellandeeus expts. 198. the. localization . of lambda-infec{iob, - Gal-transdic tioh, ete. . Skaar' 3. ‘expte.. ‘on motility/ F are rather up in, fhe air, Motility ikeelf seems. to have nothing. to do with it, and the procedure may well be just a roundabout means of quaran- Goa " “happén?” We ‘are, Aap mag f. a y it, The results are not nearly as consistent as we'd like. Some of the F~ are (at least not readily) not reinfectable, but we have too few F- from other sources to have any reAl basis for comparison. skaar is continuing with it, would probably prefer not to talk too loudly about it until it is somewhat less confused. Se oe . i at 4 ou" well over’ your Brudélla? How did it ever slightly concerned iiot to“hear moré directly at from you. He : re 160k! ng forwaba “ts ade’ Berhets tn*harg af tay a While, “trhope he will have 4° dha be to fleltrrcd tot #e o tede 5) le ig rather concetded about ggies probleme; 7. thoyeht- you. might be able to advise: (or-at least reassure) és |, He ig. the,.ohly prsgpéctiite adaition’ t thie lab, “Yon WiL1 be staying on anouner’ year, pesbibly tro; as he haé°worl’a Na thonal Odner Institute’ (sic!) fellowship. Larry is also, rightly, pleased to have’ toh a'National ‘Setence Foundation Fellowship, which makes him mich better off. Dave's pland are not Settled.’ Weare stiti: hoping for remodelling to Improve: ouF space; we have ocotipied all the spade inside ‘the doot ét-tha labdihg,: bat.4t will. take som work to improve at to full efficiency. If you should met any other candidates fora: temporary. emigration, \1ét-us:know, ‘ad We'll! peopably’ be able to accomodate Sone newt year (54-55) oP perhaps ‘acemebs i 8L) uo Tom ss sew .;, Do you rémember’ Boris Rotjan (splepelaan's former stiiént); He's coming up AS a post~dodtoral “fettow to work: (wey a ; the vis Insulate): on what is tavelyed'in the "activation of’ laetake when E. doll tells ave ‘broken.