Madison March 8, 1953 Dear Spice!: It was a cheer to hear from you and that you had finally gotten home. If you're still interested, I'l] mention that the Boston bacteriologists include Dienes, Mueller, Pappenheimer, PainedMinland, Werner Maas (in Lipmenn's lab), and some few others. Or was your lapsuse menti entirely unintentional’ There are innumerable minutiae, and some important things-- I hhpe I can keep them all in mind. Bernstein just wrote: from what you said, I judge haa coming would be mutually useful. Gould you write a formal (not necessarily officious) reforem both for my own account, and possibly to help pry funds elsewhere? I'11 not say the lab. is empty now-- we have full occupancy of room 200, but no immediate renodelling except to temm down part of the wall between the labyrinth and the central lab. There may be some budget difficulties, but the authorities are talking 98 tearing apart our entire mpam space (room 200, 201-central lab-, the two offices, and part of the space beyong the walls, and remodelling from acratoy. Our stay at Chamblee, after a clow start, worked out very well. “dwards warmed up very considerably after we did "make contact", and I look forward to a fruitful, continuing collaboration. (Concerning your typhik, have you looked for a reaction with M (muceid)f Feld: has all kinda of cements about this sort of thing in his last papers. May we dispose of your residual materials?) Our trip back home was essentially uneventful. We had a fine evening with the KeCe Atwoods at Oak Ridge, then te Columbus, and finally home. There was some snow the last part of it-- enough to threaten, but not too serious. We got back the 16th, and since then my lab desk has aunported “a plethora of things adrift", what with the numerous materials wo brought back. Were you about while Edwards and I wera discuseing the "induction" of phases by some serums, and not others? The story, with lunzendorf, may give something interesting. Kunzendorf and "berlin" seruma, 1,5.... are ineffective, dees, one gets no swarms or very rough, poorly extending blebs, while other 1,5 and 1,2 serums are effective in evoking ¢. The firet exp't was to mix an effective with ineffective: the result, ineffective, suggesting a selective troubleg and more or less disqualifying the idea that ineffective serims lack an ineitatory stimulus. The c phases so obtained proved to be inhibited in swarming by ineffective sera, but I had some trouble in demonstrating a corres- ponding agglwtination reaction. It worked in slide agglutination however, so I kept &t 44, and it turns out that the reactivity of the c phase with berlin ("1,5,...-") serum ie greatly impaired by treatment with formalin, while o it- self is, of course, not. Other o-phases less. SW 902 ct-, altendorf —-x SW666) did not react with berlin. The unique factor is also heat-labile. No proof, but strong sugcestion that this is another flagellar factor, let ue call 1% tem- porarily c', until its possibilw identities are checked. c' 4s presumably ab- sent from Colindale c-serum, if we accept its presence in kamzendorf iteelf (by inference from the serum). I have to check with Edwards on whether we should go more deeply into it. To make a more apecific serum, we should presumably dmmunize with oc', living, and absorb with SW-902 or perhaps formalized cholerae suis. The berlin serum which was pwesumably made with formalized calls, and may not represent the best possible, has a c! titre of over 1:500. This is qukte reminescent of your remark about bil relationships. This morning I checked Edwards java strain, N25 and found it agglutinated ( liv.) te 1:200 or better in serum from #157, its 1,2:-- derivative, but not at all in Colindale 1,2,3. Is this absorbed? Also, the swarming of N25 is considerab’: retarded in #157 lg2 serum. I haven't checked formalin effects. Does thi mean that a Besidual antigen may etill be present. I would like to hear more about this story. Is it J.T. working on it? Would you, by the way, make a point of trommbitting any part of this letter thet may concern her, and with my respects. The experiments with #157 are about as follows: abony -~x 157 gave bi-~ #157 --x abony: * 1,2:enx W938 and l,2tenx SW26 --x miami 1,2:1,5 (S975 if LT™2 --x 157 4i-- ( just done) you want it) SW666 --x 157 bi-- ~-x N25 (b:-)** 1,2:- --x H 901 * 1,2t- LT-2 (411,@) ~-x (iacone) ae ——x SW-666 * 1,2:— + Taken togethery these experiments would seem to show that the 1,2 phase of #157 de homologous with typical firet phases. * represents types that have been looked for, and not found, with FA from second phase 1,4 in diphasics. The homo- logies of N25 have not been studied more closely, but ** points to ite™ b being homelogous with Hy It is hard to see what thie can have to do with tne serology, except per- haps in the following terms: the "b" consists of three components, related to b, 255) snd in java, to 1,2. The mutation of b to Zax like other artificial phases hae been suspected to be essentially a quantitative alteration, and the sane might be true of the exceptional #157. If so, these changen and potentialities should be expected to rmain together in transduction. It would not be difficult to Sm set up some stooks for comparicon: transductions from jeva to.e.g., typhi, and into N25, substituting 4. or some such. Yould your colleagues prefer 1) that I wait for their publication before further consideration, 2} that I make up auch and other relevant otocks, and send them to Colindale for serological examination, or 3) rely upon your information, and set these up here. I have no preference as between 2) and 5), or any combination, nor would be at all abashed by 1). I have just been stamting to study these artificial vhases, however, and thie information on tne cross-reactions Le indiegpensable in the Pratik of the experiments. (For example, I am rather fortunate that to be using Colindale 1,253 serum rather then 187 serum for selective purposes). Juet a chred of suggestion se far, but Znx does seem to be en allele of b, and I have (I hope) a %351enx. Transduction in staph sounds a very good idea; I had hoped some year or decade from now to stab at it here. Good luck. I'd be happy to test the Mushin strain in SRP, if you'd send it wish a spot of serum. I append a list ef cultures and other material thet I'd like to beg from you (and J.T) Don't be too hard on Hayes: I just fear he's about to fall in with dangerous company. By the way, Skaar's observathon that 58-161 may become F- after passage through gelatih-agar has beer confirmed, and in another couple of strains too. This must be hew 58-161( Spicer) arose. We're investigating the details; can report enly the above exptl. result so far, and whether there's any any connection with motility is unproven. Kauffmann's book has been "out-of-print"-- could you get me a copy in London? Also Weatherburn, vol. 1. I assume I will hae no trouble remitting any cost dif- ference. Thanks very much. After seeing Edwards’ end hearing your and Felix! experienceon keeping cultures, I think we'll keep all cur material in mefat soft nutrient stabs, and lyophilize only the most critical cultures. In addition, I have deleted "SW-957 to 1033", your misc. Salmonellas, and will keep them under your own lahel until they are specifically applied. Se don't be confused ny SW-973, ete. These are my own new numbers. However, I would like te enter"Aacd 2, 478, AT14", but have no explicit details on their parentage. Also, I thought you had left a chart of the phage responses of thompsons, dublins, etc. but cannot find same. Can you send me this informetion, or tell me where to find it, to complete our records? Not too much mere. 1,2:1,5 ie probably the lust monstrosity we need. IV VNIT nten Coondad-- mhmxygx SW-933) SW-375, iV V XII dsi,2, sW-974, (S. asge --r 81,2 , some other etecks than 157); IX XII izogtenx, SW-980 (aborr --x javtona) ara available LP anybody cares. Tovonder Uf you cocld ash doa leyler if she nas any of tas following a (beyosd vet fa on hent in the stock strains at Ghamblee). Se when, S$. dar-ca-salecm, (or any cther lw firat and second phase stock. in 2D). 3. wept napol! -- ° nurerous atrains are available, could you sereen than for PITA recronre, if that’s less trouble than sending tne lot. a a7 Y Baas [se St LYE RO re We bave either never had, or are weitie rumiday out oo certain serims. Thoss marked * gre Snst for comparisons, and are neaced cuiy in winimal auanti- ties. I should be most gruteful if you could provide these at your convenience. s 3 I, £ R 17 a ) Bruce sent me a stack of cultures a while ago, but no letter. I'm waiting to hear from him before writing myself-- if you should see him would you tel] him I had not gotten any letter af of this date? It may have strayed in the mail. (£9 - Santen,