Department of Genetics University of Wisconsig September 22, 1952 Dear Spicer: I am glad to hear that you have arranged passage, although your early arrival (which is most welcome, let me assure you) will put somewhat of a strain on our working facilities, as I have indicated previously. I hope this letter reaches you in time; I had hoped we would have an oppor tunity to discuss various materials that it would be desirable for you to bring along. In particular we are very short of sera, and have very prdmitive facilities for rabbit culture, and too little time to bother too guch making our own. If it were possbh@e for you to bring along a reasonable set of diagnostic H sera, and O sera for antigens I, If, IV, IX, XII, III-x, VI-VII ami VI-VIII, theyy would be very useful for the work you would be doing here. I believe that you indicated you had ready access to such preparations. If we could obtain several ml eack of undiluted sera for the H factors a, b, 1,2,3, enx, r, amit gm, and k, 1,5 these would also be extremely desirable, to supplepemt our own very meagre preparations, I have received any number of these things from Edwards and his collaborators but I hesitate to strain their generosity any more than absolutely necessary, if you have an alternative source. While you are on the east coast, why don't you consider a few visits to the people working there. In New York City, I am sure you would find Dr. Zinder (my erstwhile student and collaborator on the Sal monella studies) most pleased to talk to you, and suggest others in that area whom it would be profitable for you to visit. Dr. Zinder is now at the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, E. 66th Street and York Avenue. If you will notify me precisely when and how you plan to arrive, I will try to arrange to have you picked up, and for temporary accomodations. (If you fly, the limousine can drive you directly to this building.) My phone number is 5-3311, Ext. 4217; afterhours: 5-5289. With best wishes, hon voyage, etc., Sincerely Joshua Lederberg cc; ยข/) Dr. M. F. Haralson, Regional Office #.H.0.