May 27, 1952 Dear Spicer: Our letters of the 22d and 25th must have crossed, If I had waited a few days I should not have had to write as mich as * did. We are evi~ dently in FRR, 2ereement as to our further course. I shall see that a typhiaurium auxotroph is sent off to you; it may be a few days. Four% months sounds better than three; I hope you will not fPorego an opportunity to travel also. I am planning myself to visit Edwards at Chakblee,Georgia for a few weeks-~probably in February or March. So,if you can come Oct. 1— January 31, that will be fine,[if you can put up with the lab. conditions that long]. Ia there a discrepancy between your formal application to WHO and your letter? Itep 24 specifies 3 months as the tern of your fellowshin. If you can spare them, I should like to see reprints of your previous publications (as speci?, in item 19), just as 2 forewarning ef your background intereste. Ne sre very pleased that you should wish to work with us. We are locking forward to your visit, and hope you will not be disappointed either with the facilities or ymax our collabozation. ’ Sinc erely; a Ai . . a . “Joshua Lederberg ; a J