Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin April 18, 1952 Dear Dr. Spicer: There are a few questions about your proposed fellowship visit that ought to be cleared yp before fixing definite plans. First of all, how long would you like to work here? You mentioned a period of 3 - 6 months for the fellowship. Were you thinking of spending most of that time here, or did you contexplate travelling a bit? An interval of 4, perhaps 5, montha would be most likely to be productive. As to starting time, it is a matter of probabilities. Some time thie swmer or fall, depending on conetruction schedules in an another building, we are due for some additional space. This itself would re- quire some remodelling of our present facilities. It would be wmfor- tunate if thie happened to coincide with your visit, and I mentioned an advanced date so as to minimize thie possibility. If you are willing to take your chances, you will be welcome if you can only conveniently manage an earlier date. We could probably manage six square feet, but ef course there's more to it than that. With respect to possible proglems, there would be least likelihood of collision with other work likely to be developed here,or by Zinder at his new station after this spring, if we look for the recombination system in other Salmonellas. I thought of 3. thompson because of the variety of lysogenic forma worked out by Williame~Gmith. Can you obtain access to a representative set? A similar group in typhimurium (after Idlleengen) was quite invaluable. Your typhimurium x potsdam would he quite interesting if it oan be extended to other markers. Our transduc- tion system appears to be confined to the XIIz types, but we hardly know enough yet to make any strict generalizations. Heve you any further de- tails on this cross since your earlier letters on the subject? If they would be of any help to you, we could probably provide some auxotropha from S. typhimurium, or an 8 auxotroph for "SRP" testing for recombi- nation. Or would you prefer to work them up yourself? f ure /sincerély, : Jpetma Lederberg ow Associaté Professor of Genetiog