Pustic HeattH LABORATORY SERVICE (Directed by the Medical Research Council for the Ministry of Health) Standards Laboratory CENTRAL PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY COLINDALE AVENUE LONDON, N.W.9 7th, April 1952 Telephone: COLINDALE 6041-4081 Telegrams: DEFENDER, HYDE, LONDON Dear Professor Lederberg, Thank you very much for your letter of March 28th. Anderson had told me you were full up until the fall and I was hoping that you would be able to take me then, I realise that you have to consider your own people first but as far as I am concerned crowded laboratories are no novelty, my present bench space being exactly 21 x 3', If it is possible for you to fit me in sometime next October - November with “out inconvenience this would be the best time for me, Another point is that my fellowship applies to this year and would, I think, have to be started before the New Year, However, if this is impossible I shall try and arrange to come next March, I have already started to collect auxotrophic salmonellas because the typhimuriunxpotsdam cross presents some anomalies that I cannot clesr up and I wanted to check it with an independent set of markers. So far I haven't been able to show any antigenic recombination. Your suggestions as to possible problems are very interesting. Possibly the best thing I can do now is to prepare as many auxotrophis as I can of the common types of Salmonella and then follow up any cross which seems particularly interesting or hopeful. What I wish to avoid is repeating work that has already been done in your laboratories, I am in a very strong position here for getting hold of the organisms as we make all the standard Salmonella diagnostic antisera in this laboratory and we have the British Salmonella Reference Laboratory at the end of the passage. IT am very grateful to you for offering to have me at your lab. and I lock forward to hearing when it will be possible, Yours sincerely, Professor J,Lederberg, eoepocot Genetics Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 6, P.s. “Ble (Heayeo Low yoo SOK we Wisconsin, U.S.A. . aw Ci fut uct Oe Nersdrehn tad WALK -AAeae Vy Veg ware -