JAN 7 1963 INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY JORDAN HALL 222 January 2, 1963 220 Jordan Hall Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical School Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: VAC) Thanks very much for the copy of your Ciba lecture. It is of course a very provocative paper. I suppose, if we were to agree upon including it in our Symposium volume at Ohio Wesleyan (this is not an AIBS affair),that we would have to obtain permission to re- print from Ciba and perhaps also from whoever published the reprint you sent me. Muller already has a copy. Dr. S. E. Luria Department of Microbiology M.1.T. Cambridge, Mass. Dr. Robert DeMars Department of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dr. Ken Atwood Department of Microbiology University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois Dr. George Klein Department of Tumor Biology Karolinska Institutet Stockholm 60, Sweden Who would that be? Meanwhile I would like to circulate copies of your paper to all members of our Symposium group. The others are: I know Dr. Ed Tatum Rockefeller Institute 66th St. & York Avenue New York 21, N. Y. Dr. G. Pontecorvo Department of Genetids The Univérsity Glascow 2, Scotland Dr. Rollin Hotchkiss (Same address as Dr. Tatum) Dr. Waclaw Szybaliski The Medical School University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin M4eg Au Ite Dr. Joshua Lederberg - 2 1/2/63 If you have not sent copies to any of these people would you please do it or send me the copies to distribute with an indication to whom they are to go. I personally would like very much to see your relevant ideas incorporated in our volume. Because the subject is "The Control of Human Heredity and Evolution" and because the volume is designed for the general public and not just for professional biologists, your paper would be most suitable if certain paragraphs were omitted and perhaps if certain parts were revised to make them more generally intelligible. Would you be willing to take the time to do this? If not, would you be willing to let me make a try of it, subject to your approval? I would like to have your reactions to these pos- sibilities so I can submit them to our group along with the question of whether it would be appropriate to include your paper in the pub lished book. Since the Symposium is held under the auspices of Ohio Wesleyan University, their wishes in the matter can not be entirely ignored either. I would like to have an additional copy of your paper to send to Dr. Shirling at Ohio Wesleyan. He is the man who is making arrangements with the Ohio Wesleyan administration. With all best wishes for the new year to you and Esther, Cordially yours, T. M Sénneborn