wn February 16, 1957 Dear Tracy: Thank you for your thoughtful letter. It would be surprising if any unique considerations could turn up in further discussion of Berkeley, , but it helps to put the obvious ones in better focus. We are still ruminating. No, { am not going to move to prove my immobility. what I meant was that I was gmtm beginning to respect that reputation, for the very good reason that Wisconsin is a very desirable plage to be. Of any alternatives that came up hypothetically, California seemed to most likely of any (if any) to appear more attractive. The California positions are, thankfully, straight research-teaching chairs with no igplication of administrative takks. I have no particular interest in a 'chalrmanship', with the possible oxception of the new- organizational opportunities which are coming to 4 head here at the Wis- consin Medicui School. And I hope I am not deluding myselé as to the attractivenuss of thut kind of a job wither, although the chores would not be much more than are already involved in running a laboratory. Your question about Moewus—ology is a poser. You can't leave it out if you meun to give a complete account of algae. But what can you trust of it? I myself could not rely on any of his data which have not been- confirmed elsewhere. On the other hand, the intellectual foroe of his theoretical argument is not remotely in the same class as Kammerer. I suppose you just have to make up your own mind on the issue of reliability. Thanks again for your friendly encouragement. Yours, Joshua Lederberg