February 6, 1957 Dear Tracy: Have you any use for gd gets this? (ig aren't already well aware of it). U af: What I really would want ‘to talk with you about, if we had the chance to do it st closs hand, and 4t doesn’: look as if we/ do, is a dilenma thet Esthervand I are facing a propos a possible move to California. We visited Stanford over Christmas to investigate sheir vacancy in Biology which Ed Tatum had left, but by the tims nv finished our'vacatdion! Berkeley wae on tho seent too ('vlce' Clausen). You Know, tie've discussed befora whether I justified the reputation of being imaovable from Wisconsin-—~ if unything ia likely to upset it, probably now ia the iime. From a professional viewpoint, Berkeley seems somewhat, the better choice; Stanford may have an edge 4s a quieter and loss emogsy homesite. 1 eun't go inte all une issues by ietvcsr, but if you had iny courant. to uke, i'd appreciate nearing thea, in ali confidence, of course, Theas opportunities have to be weighed evuinst unothor development. The mdicai school here (viz. Dean dona Bowers) has become quite excited about medical senetics, comucived as a Laele supportiag scicace with as mach eSteniton tc mieroccs ani axperimnial anuaels es to win. Newton Mor- ton has already been appointed over there, belng attacnec pro-tea to Agatony with a joint sppointment in Genetica. de are now having discussions 92 4 concrete proposal to set up a more autonomous Department of Medical Genetios, vhicn would be 4 kimi of bua from this one. This would comprise Morten, .awyoclf and goms other maamber to pe appointed. This has seemed a rethes unijue opportunity to seigh sgainst the obvious attracglons of Cali- foenia, eapsadsll; as a realization xm ef some of my Own @ariier career Plans. The aew construction in train at the medical school would be able to relisve soy of tho grusser shortcomings in lab. feeilities that are laft here. since last suuner, whais iLotle wori Tive been abie to do between writing end fussing hos hear concentrated on the pretcpleste-- the enclosure may scy encugh about that. When we can make up our minds what to do about these university issues, and get our travelling over with (brgiand in Merch; Australia June~apeck september; I hope to see the lab again. If we do move, it isn't before July 158. Yours Joshua Lederberg