April. 20, 1955 Memorandum Trac y: i. Kimura ig working on generalizing the formlae. Preliminary report on macronudlear sampling (MR)- for f fragments, each instance is 2&#¢ 2(f-1) as effective as fission. That is, for f£=40, 6 MR's would be equivalent to 368 fissions. The discrepancy, if any, may be due to non-random choice of less unbalanced fragments. I was momentarily concerned by the case of f£=2, which I took to be fission, Kimura points out his caleulation for fission 1s based on a redoubling of chromosomes from mn to 2mn prior to fission, while the MR is tdomm taken from an mn set. If this is not right, you can probably just take out the factor 2, 2. He is also going ahedd on moncscmic. If n ia large, the effect is small (probably some kind of weighted mean [my intuition sees geometric] of the riska from the monosome and tha rest of the complenent), of the order of a reduction of viability by about 1/2n,I am somewhat dubious of this. 3. As you can see from expression you have, p= .01 and n=.001 do not give very different t's. On the one hand, this fits the steep decldne seen exptly, but the p/t function would not be handy to test. 4. Referancas: bud scars in yeast—- Barton, J. Gen. Mier. 1950,4:84 and Bartholomaw, 1953 J Bact 65:272 agifing in Neurospora mitant TT Sheng, Genetics 51 36:19° stem cells in spermatogenesis Clermont Am J Anat 92:475 '53 see also Roosen—-Runge in refs. cit., and ina regent N.Y. Acad Sed, symposium on male germ cells. 5+ Refs. wanted? = pisston reorganization 4n protozoa; other cases of templates like Difflugia. 6. In his 1929 review, Jennings cites a few examples of protozoan "individual ity"— shattering reaction on refusion of distinct individuals. Do you be:ieve this? Sincerely, ‘ ; ¢ / “Yy hy i} Rene fdee a tine {