Ostober 23, 1952 Dear Ea: T was very glad to hear a word from you. The cultures you asked for are enclosed. You may be interested in some of their history. W-1310 should be identical with Y-109, having come from sister lygophil tubes. I hanvened to have %-1310 on an opsn slant, but can provide the other if this misbehaves. Y~117 is an auxotroph mtant of Y-109. Y-109 is a culture that was represented by Boivin to be the "C2" of his trans- formation experiments (Cold Spr. Harb. Symposium, 1947), and was brought over by him in person, Tatum ani @ were interested to look for transforma~ tion of biochemical mutant markers, but nothing ever cams of it. Later we concluded that the strain had gone comlsetely rough (along with the sister strain, Cl}, Since Boivin's death, we have not bsen able to locate the smooth parent cultures, an! his colleagues have, in fact , demanded them of us. Aa it turna ont, wa have worked out a transducing system in Salmo- nella-— it should be out in next sonth's J. Bact. Tn addition to these, IT am also sending K-12 and B strains, in case you should be interested to pley with them. A variety of auxotrophic atants should be avallauble, including argininelasa. Ne have sons ourselves, and know where to look for more. Raplica-plating tethniqus, superimposed on the penicillin method makes amtant hunting an easy pastine. Now that I can't just waik acrons the street for a friendly call, I would especially appreciate the favor of = ramilar exchange of publications, If this can include the Texas Publications from your lab,so much the better. *ith best regardeg Joshua Lederberg P.3. That "RNA" matant of Paeudomonas turned out to be satisfied with pyrimidine + citrulline; another wants Big or methionine. br. BE. E. Snell Dept. Chemistry U. of Texas Austin 12