August 14, 1959 Dr. Emil Le. Smith Department of Blochemistry University of Utah School of Medicine Salt Lake Clty, Utah Dear Emil: what would you say to the guess that the specific carbohydrate you are finding In globulin is the specific receptor for complement? Complement fixation has always puzzled me since It did not easily make sense that it should depend on the Interaction between antibedy and anticen but the nature of the antigen was immaterial. &8ut suppose it Is some common element fin af! ontibody which recognizes complement but the binding energy cf a single antibody molecule wlth complemert Is Insufficient to make a stable complex. However, complexes consisting cf at least 2 antibecy molecules stabilized by their reaction with a common antigen, might then have the further capacIty to bind complement between them. If there is such a common element among al! antibodies, it seemed to me thet your carbohydrate might be a plausible candidate. Complement then becomes a sort of antibody to the globulIn-carbohydrate; perhaps further, the same carbohydrate or a re!ated one Is the cell-wall-element which fs the substrate for the enzymatic action of complement. Anyhow, If you haven't already done this, the hunch does suggest one of a great many tests tc make on the carbohydrate fraction. Another point that might be pertinent | am not clear on: the extent of fixation cf complement by soluble antigen-antibody complexes where the postulated condition of two adjacent antibody molecules would not be met. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Encl.