PD, SRua- MONTANA STATE COLLEGE BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY May 1 ,1960 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics Stanford University Stanford, Calffornia Dear Josh, We have just organized an interdepartmental Genetics Institute and now offer the option of a PhD in Genetics. We are now looking for someone to strengthen our group. As chairman of the committee, I'm supposed to find him. We are not adamant about the kind of geneticist, but since we are already top-heavy with population geneticists (mostly applied) and have a microbial geneticist, we would he sonewhat pregucicec ageinst persons with these interests. Therefore, you are not a particularly appropriate person to write to, but since I haven't written in some time I will do so anyhow. I have not written to anyone, as yet, in the San Francisco area; perhaps you have heard of someone in need of a job. The conditions of the job are as follows. The new man would be hired by the Zoology Department at the instructor or assistant professor level. The salary is a flexible item, not less than $6000/ 12 mo. His duties, at first, would be largely the supervision of laboratory sections in beginning yoology. This would consist of briefing graduate assistants and keeping the laboratories moving smoothly. He would be expected to assume a small part of the load of genetics lecturing now borne by me. There is ample space for research in a new Medical Research Building and modest equipment would be available for a start. Len Bullas has turned out quite well. His courses are about out of the way, and he has a couple interesting things to follow up in the lab. A girl, Aletha Markusen, has been working on a project in the lab concerning flagellar(ccli) antigens and has found some interesting things. Are they being studied intensively anywhere else now. A man named Louis Wendt will start graduate work this fall. He has been at Berkeley for a year. I suggested he might go over and say hello to you sometime. Did he ever show up? If so, what did you think of him? We will send Stanford a promising boy next yeer. Name is Irving Weissman, interested in an M.D., cancer research, genetics, quite good. As an undergraduate has been one of the best in my graduate course. We are now in the home-owning business, more trouble than worth perhaps. Everyone here is fine. Say hello to Esther for us. Thanks for your mentioning my name to Miami; I visited them and almost took the job; its a sane climate but other conside:ations cutweighed this. Yours, “Dane MONTANA STATE COLLEGE IS A UNIT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA, THE OTHER COMPONENT INSTITUTIONS OF WHICH ARE MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY AT MISSOULA, MONTANA SCHOOL OF MINES AT BUTTE, WESTERN MONTANA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AT DILLON, EASTERN MONTANA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AT BILLINGS, AND NORTHERN MONTANA COLLEGE AT HAVRE > 2