January 3, 1957 Dr. R. W. Siagel Department of Zoo0logy Uaiversity of Califanta Los Angeles 24, Qal. Dear Siegel! T an glad te fini you are now wall established at U.C.L.A. Dave whose background you might know almost too wall tom have — considered seriously. Buring the past four or fiv. years, ha has moved avay eitirely from protosoan genetics, and is making an increasingly good reputation in hie work with bacteria. I know Dave is interasted in an acelamic positioa, and “with a Tittle stretching of the _ Vaoancy you hav. 4t might ba possible to Make a mutually happy arrangement. I am emOlosing a dossier that may help the departm at ia ita deliberations. - Geant) CGm@e to my mind for the position you have Open. One is A secon] possibility is Seymour Ledarbarg, who 1s currently a post- doctoral felicw with San Masia at the D partment of Zoolegy at Berkeley. Hie iater.sts aight te considered to b. call Physiology, as moh as Bea-tics, but he hasn't basa able tc ake stay ont of either, and is cur- rently working on the rola tionehls cf miclear DMA to cytoplasmic Ria” in Tatrehymena and 1h bacteria. tcok his Ph.D, ‘with Luria on "Genetic furctions cf prophage-—- interference with the multiplication of hetero- logous bactericphugas" , which is the €itl. of his dissertation, about ready to de sent into prensa, You can gat more information about his _quali- fications from Luria oid from Masia. I know hie im iaterosted in a position where he can coatim his research and als¢ develop a cours, in General Biology, so thie seams in line with your requifem-nts. I would prefer that you am dee) with him directly in soliei tiag any firther information and documents. ~ ~ _ “~ With b-st regards amd wishes for the new year, Yours sincerely, a te ~ Joshua Lelerberg Profaseor of Genetics