OLS ELLE RATAN A AUER NAb ip tegen an tene = Set ey g oe November 11, 1953 Dr. P. D. Skaar Biological Laboratortes Gold Spring Harbor Lon; Island, New York Dear Dave: I hope everything is going well with you at Cold Spring Harbor. Tracy, as well as myself, has been conserned not to have heard from you since you left the Midwest. I trust this is a sign of distraction rather than difficulty. _ I want to check with you about a detall on the behavior of £. sold, line 28, mentioned in your reports. In Table 1 of one of your sumartes which reviews the over-all behavior of lines 1 to Jl, line 28 is rceorded as being not only ss but also motile in three out of three trials. This does not quite agree with our present experience; that 1s, I have not yet been able to obtain a motile derivative of the line 28 that we are now using. 4s there has been, however, some confusion in the designation of thig partioular line it is possible that you were using a slightly different strain. Do you have any other details on this vearticular experiment? Aleck Bernstein has been occupying hinself with the chemical properties of the flagella of different Salmonella types. It has been possible to com firm the old observation of Sertic that phase IT flagella are generally agelut- inated by acriflavine whereas pase I flagella are not. This shows up not only in the agulutination of the intact bacteria but also, so far as current iments indicate, to the isolated flagella as well. We are setting out to do somewhat more detailed physical-chemical compurisons of this matertal. The difference of inagglutin ability of the difforent phases appears -to be quite general, All of the phase I flagella that have been tested are inagglutinable while all of the phase IZ flagella are agglutinable. This eoncords rather nicely with the bi-local determination of these complexes. Aleck and [ether have also verified the crossability of a mmber of 0-55 strains. They are, however, only just now about to mke serclogical determinations. As you may Inow, Ielen Byers came back fron Europe this summer a bit late but also carrying with her an amebie infection. This has been cleared up, however, and she ig busily engaged tn her classes and 4n sone research. Letter to r. D. Skaar - Page 2 ; November 11, 1953 I an just about to finish a comprehensive experiment on the exper~ inental production of incompatibility by transfer 4n motility medium. Twenty separate colonies of 581GL were carried for two passages in tubes or plates of notility medium. Fourteen of the twenty isolates were F-. Of the re~ maining six, one appears to have an exhalted F+ status — a result which had been noticed before, while most of the remainder appeared to be either like 58161 or relatively, but not completely, sterile. These isolates will be tested through additional passages in motility medium. In addition, the first passage strains will be cheoked to determine what proportions of the strains had already become F- at that time. I hepe to hear from you and what you are doing before this work is completed. At that time, however, I will return the draft mamscript of | the paper on this subject, which I think should be prepared for publication before too mich more time passes. . I am looking forward to hearing from you in the very near future. Yours, Joatma Lederberg /me